Vol.A in Rete is a project created by CSV Lazio ETS and Forum Terzo Settore Lazio APS and promoted by the Roma Capitale’s Dipartimento Protezione Civile Roma Capitale and by Dipartimento Politiche sociali e Salute presso Assessorato Politiche sociali e Salute di Roma Capitale. It involves a wide network of Third Sector organizations of the territory that put their experience of active citizenship and their ability to welcome at the service of those who will come to Rome during the Jubilee year.

It is an important opportunity to provide concrete support to pilgrims but also to give back to the city and the world the sense and value of voluntary action. An opportunity to get to know each other: person to person, of every language, nationality and place. And, in some ways is something unique: indeed, Vol.A in Rete is the first project created by a widespread reception system that involves the entire city.

The associatons that adhere to Vol.a in Rete are:

Associazione Salvabebè Salvamamme


AVIS Regionale Lazio ODV

Brigata Volontaria SVS

Casa dei Diritti Sociali ODV

Casa Famiglia Ludovico Pavoni

Casale Caletto

CEMEA del Mezzogiorno APS

Controchiave APS

Cooperativa Sociale Magliana ’80

Cubo Libro APS

Dipartimento Solidarietà Emergenze FIC

Fede in Azione Cooperativa Sociale

Fonte di Ismaele

Forum Ambientalista

K9 Rescue Italia

La Lampada dei Desideri ODV

Observo Onlus

Parsec Agri Cultura

Praesidium – Associazione di Volontariato e Protezione Civile

Progetto Itaca Roma

Villa Fiorelli ODV